
Promoting the Welfare of Children and Adults

Our commitment
Tottenham Hotspur is an organisation committed to safeguarding children and adults at risk.
The Club is also committed to equality, putting an end to bullying and discrimination in all it’s forms and supporting awareness campaigns such as:
– Kick It Out (equality)
– Anti-Bullying Week
– Safer Internet Day
We believe everyone should have someone to talk to and we encourage contact with external support agencies such as Childline, Samaritans and the NSPCC for further guidance if you have concerns for you or someone you know.

Our Staff & Policies
Safeguarding is everyone’s business and all staff have a responsibility to share emerging and visible concerns for the safety and well-being of others. We are reflective in our attitudes, and strive to continually develop systems to ensure that the needs of the most vulnerable are considered and that there are safe spaces for their voices to be heard.
If you have a Safeguarding concern

Reporting and escalation procedure
• In the first instance, speak with the person in charge of supervising the activity who will forward your concern to the Safeguarding Team
• If you cannot speak with someone at the time, contact a member of the safeguarding team via phone (contact details listed above) or the safeguarding referral email address
• A member of the team will respond to your email and advise on the next best course of action
• Please note that you can concern will be managed sensitively and information will only be shared if it is necessary to ensure the safety of a child or adult at risk.
• Out of hours (after 6 pm and weekends): You can contact a helpline, such as the NSPCC, for advice (see list below). If you are concerned for your immediate safety or the safety of someone else, please dial 999 and report your concerns to police services.

General safeguarding advice
Abuse can happen anywhere – in the home or in a public place, care home or hospital. If you have a concern about someone (a child or adult) in the community, you can contact your local authority or a helpline (see below).
If you suspect or witness abuse – report it within 24 hours
• Contact your local authority children’s or adult social care
• If a crime has been committed (non-emergency), report it to your local police on 101
• In an emergency, report it to the police on 999
• NHS: Call 111 for advice and guidance with medical concerns.

Support Helplines
Emergency Services:
Police / Ambulance / Fire: Call 999 for report an emergency.
Police (non-emergency): Call 101 to report a crime to local police.
NHS: Call 111 when you need medical help fast.
Helplines for children and young people (up to the age of 18):
ChildLine: Childline is a free, private and confidential place for you to be you. Whatever your worry, you can get the help you need in the way you want it.
Online and on the phone, 24/7, Childline is here to listen, talk things through and give you the information you need, whatever life throws at you.
Call 0800 1111 (24 hours / free)