CUP26: Play for Spurs and help tackle climate change
Tue 07 September 2021, 09:59|
Tottenham Hotspur
Tottenham Hotspur is participating in CUP26 – a tournament encouraging football-loving families to act in the fight against climate change.
Using football-themed challenges, the initiative aims to encourage more sustainable behaviours among young people at home and in school.
Fans can sign up to represent Spurs and take part in weekly ‘matches’ against other teams including Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea, West Ham and Leicester City.
In the matches, fans will score ‘goals’ for their club by completing planet-saving activities. Whichever team scores the most ‘goals’ wins the match and can climb up a league table that will run over eight weeks in the lead-up to COP26 – the UN Climate Change Conference being hosted by the UK in November.

CUP26: Play for Spurs and help tackle climate change
• CUP26 is the largest ever football fan campaign on climate change.
• Across eight weeks leading up to COP26 – the UN Climate Change Conference hosted by the UK – families have the chance to represent their favourite football team and score points by completing planet saving activities.
• One activity – ‘No Moura Landfill’ – is inspired by our very own Lucas Moura.
• Tottenham Hotspur was recently named the Premier League’s greenest club and will be hosting the world’s first net zero carbon major football match against Chelsea on 19 September, in partnership with Sky.
There are over 100 goal-scoring activities to choose from, including having a screen free evening, creating a meat-free meal, cycling or walking to school, and making items from recycled materials.
For CUP26, an activity has been created inspired our very own Lucas Moura. Entitled ‘No Moura Landfill’, the activity will see participants complete keepie uppies with a recyclable item before kicking it into a recycling bin.
Prizes are up for grabs throughout the competition, including goody bags for our weekly ‘Player of the Match’ and a family Stadium Tour voucher for our ‘Player of the Season’.
The tournament trophy will be awarded in the first week of November at the start of COP26.
Speaking at the CUP26 launch event at Wembley today, Club Ambassador Ledley King said: “As we continue to encourage and promote more sustainable choices amongst our fans, CUP26 is a great opportunity for fans of all ages to represent their club, have football-themed fun and learn how to help protect our planet.”
To register, visit cup26.co.uk and prepare for the big kick off on Monday 13 September.
On Monday, we announced that the Club has partnered with Sky to host the world’s first net zero carbon football game at an elite level.
Our home match against Chelsea on Sunday 19 September is aiming to be net zero through emission reductions and offsetting the remaining carbon footprint through reforestation projects.
#GameZero will educate football fans on the role the sport they love can play in addressing climate change and demonstrate how they can take positive actions to reduce their own carbon footprint.