Club ensures NHS services can remain at stadium when football returns
Wed 10 June 2020, 12:30|
Tottenham Hotspur
With Premier League football set to make its return next week, the Club has worked to ensure vital NHS services being delivered at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium during the COVID-19 pandemic can continue to be accommodated.
Since April, North Middlesex University Hospital has used the stadium for COVID-19 drive-through testing and the relocation of its Women’s Outpatient Services.
The stadium was the first in the Premier League to facilitate testing, which has been taking place within our basement car park for hospital staff and key workers from other health and social care organisations, including care homes and the wider public sector.
Familiar areas of our stadium have been transformed to accommodate the Women’s Outpatient Services, supporting the redirection of pregnant women away from the hospital’s main facility during the pandemic.
Areas used for this purpose have included the away changing room, emergency medical room, official’s room, doping control and medical welfare rooms that will all now be cleaned, sterilised and disinfected ahead of them returning to their original use. NHS services will now be relocated to other appropriate areas.
Hospital patients will continue to enter the stadium via the Media Entrance and drive-through testing will continue as normal in the basement car park, as will the food distribution hub operated by Haringey Council within our South Stand ‘pitch pocket’.
To maintain health and safety and limit the amount of people on site, no non-football operations will take place at the stadium on home matchdays.
Daniel Levy, Chairman, Tottenham Hotspur, said: “We are delighted that, with the imminent return of Premier League football, we have been able to ensure that the vital NHS work can continue to be housed at our stadium during the fight against COVID-19.
“We have been overwhelmed by the response we have received from hospital staff and patients who have been using our stadium facilities in recent months and how much they have enjoyed being at our home during such a challenging time.”
Maria Kane, Chief Executive of North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust, said: “The innovative partnership between our two organisations has been vital to ensure NHS services continue while the country copes with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
“I am pleased that this partnership will continue, and that local women will still be able to access high quality maternity care.”