Minneapolis Spurs
Minneapolis Spurs OSC are located in South Minneapolis. Check out the OSC below!

Get to know our Supporters Club

About Minneapolis Spurs
Formally established in 2013, with roots going back even further, Minneapolis Spurs is one of the largest Spurs supporters clubs in the United States.
We meet for every single Spurs game, regardless of time or competition, at our home, Palmer's Bar in Minneapolis.
Though the name says Minneapolis, we serve all of Minnesota and the upper midwest!
We are welcoming, engaging community, always ready to have you join us! COYS!
Facebook: facebook.com/mnspurs
Instagram: instagram.com/minneapolisspurs
Chairperson: John Eichten

Matchday Meeting Point
Our Supporters Club meets at Palmer's Bar on every matchday to cheer on the team!
Palmer's Bar
500 Cedar Ave
South Minneapolis
MN 55454

How to get involved?
Come and join in the fun supporting Tottenham Hotspur at Palmer's Bar in San Diego!
250Total members
We are always looking to expand our ranks!

4021 milesDistance from Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
Support Tottenham Hotspur with us in South Minneapolis!