Amsterdam Spurs
Amsterdam Spurs OSC are located in Amsterdam Holland. Check out the OSC below!

Get to know our Supporters Club

About Amsterdam Spurs
We are Amsterdam Spurs Supporters' Club, a (100+ strong) group of mixed nationality and Dutch Spurs supporters who mostly live in and around Amsterdam. We like to watch all the games together in Café Parck, where we welcome members, friends and visitors from all over the world. Sometimes we travel to home games together and occasionally to away games, when the opportunities arise.
Chairperson: Simon Joseph

Matchday Meeting Point
Our Supporters Club meets at Café Parck every matchday to cheer on the team!
Overtoom 428
1054 JV Amsterdam

How to get involved?
Come and join in the fun supporting our Tottenham Hotspur in Amsterdam!
76Total member
We are always looking to expand our ranks!

340 milesDistance from Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
Come and support Tottenham Hotspur with us in Amsterdam!